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Copenhagen N


Welcome to my website. I am an actor with many years experience of improv theater, comedy and storytelling. I do shows, tours, performances and workshops. I also train companies in improvisation, storytelling and innovation. 

E. F Consulting

Elin Fredrikson consulting was funded in May 2016. My clients are organisations willing to innovate and compete on a high level. The reason I started the business was to bring innovation and creativity to the business sector. I help my customers move from the place they are today to the place they must be tomorrow. My products are long or short processes of change focusing on product, process and business development. Among my products are also leaders training, communication and team building. My products are characterized by creativity, professionalism and renewal. My customers buy my products because they want to innovate and learn to be more creative, and because they know that I focus on the participation of each employee and the following implementation. I am different from my competition because I work with an outset in applied improvisation and storytelling, and using an award-winning model of innovation inspired by the artistic process. My customers often experience a whole new reality in the organization – new life.